Reviving vacuum-dried encapsulated ram spermatozoa via ICSI after 2 years of storage
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2023
Luca Palazzese, Federica Turri, Debora Agata Anzalone, Joseph Saragusty, Jacques Bonnet,Jacques Bonnet, Marthe Colotte, Sophie Tuffet, Flavia Pizzi, Alessia Luciani, Kazutsugu Matsukawa, Marta Czernik, Pasqualino Loi
DNAshell Protects DNA Stored at Room Temperature for Downstream Next-Generation Sequencing Studies
Biopreservation and Biobanking 2019
Kevin Washetine, Simon Heeke, Camille Ribeyre, Camille Bourreau, Corinne Normand, Hélène Blons, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Claire Mulot, Dominique Clermont, Maha David, Bruno Clément, Georges Dagher, and Paul Hofman
Ensuring the Safety and Security of Frozen Lung Cancer Tissue Collections through the Encapsulation of Dried DNA
Cancers 2018, 10, 195; doi:10.3390/cancers10060195
Washetine, K., M. Kara-Borni, S. Heeke, C. Bonnetaud, J.-M. Félix, L. Ribeyre, C. Bence, M. Ilié, O. Bordone, M. Pedro, P. Maitre, V. Tanga, E. Gormally, P. Mossuz, P. Lorimier, C. H. Marquette, J. Mouroux, C. Cohen, S. Lassalle, E. Long-Mira, B. Clément, G. Dagher, V. Hofman and P. Hofman
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